The Ultimate Visual Guide to Global Exports by Country

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This article presents a chart that provides a comprehensive overview of worldwide exports broken down by country. The chart visually displays the total value of exports for each country, highlighting the diversity and complexity of global trade. Readers will gain insights into the leading

All of the World's Exports by Country, in One Chart

When it comes to global trade, certain countries dominate. The United States, China, and Japan are just a few of the big players. But how do the smaller countries compare? A new chart by shows the exports of every country in the world in 2017.

The chart uses data from the CIA's World Factbook and visualizes how much each country exported in 2017. The size of each country's box corresponds to their total export value. The color of each box represents the percentage of GDP made up by exports.

As expected, China and the United States dominate the chart, with export values of $2.26 trillion and $1.55 trillion respectively. These two countries together account for over a third of the world's total exports. Japan, Germany, and South Korea also have high export values.

However, what's interesting is to see how smaller countries stack up. For example, Switzerland has a relatively small box, but boasts an export value of $313 billion, making it the 17th largest exporter in the world. Other smaller countries like Ireland, Singapore, and the Netherlands also have high export values.

On the other hand, some larger countries have smaller boxes due to a lower percentage of GDP made up by exports. For example, Russia has a smaller box than expected, with an export value of $357 billion. This is due to the fact that exports only make up 28% of Russia's GDP, compared to other countries like Singapore where exports make up over 175% of GDP.

The chart also highlights the importance of certain goods to different countries. For example, petroleum and gas make up over 95% of Iraq's total exports, while diamonds make up over 90% of Botswana's exports. Meanwhile, the United States is a major exporter of refined petroleum, while China exports a significant amount of electronics.

Overall, the chart shows the wide range of countries and industries involved in global trade. While some countries dominate, smaller countries and niche industries also play a significant role.
